
America - Boy From Brazil
フレンズ - 平山三紀
Cornered Rat - Heresy
Show Me - Eddie & The Hot Rods
Hip Shakin' Baby - Roy Brown
Boppin' High School Baby - Don Willis & the Orbits
Don't Wait [Key C] - Max Lipscomp
Nothing To Declare - Suspects
Bombarderios/Bombers - Besthöven
ヘイヘイ・ブギ - 笠置シヅ子
Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday
Summertime Blues - Guitar Wolf
愛の挽歌 - つなき&みどり
Abale - Baka Forest People
Boy Meets Girl - Ray Scott
Show Me What You Like - Oblivians
Wild wild party - Darryl Vincent
Shaking Feeling - The Swinging Blue Jeans
Baby Hugh Hef - Fieldy's Dreams